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Courses & Events

The ACPICR strives to help support its members with ongoing learning and evidence-based practice.

The ACPICR works alongside BACPR in developing and promoting evidence-based courses within the field of cardiovascular rehabilitation.  Many of these courses have the option for delgate participation via remote interactive delivery.

Click on the title links below to find out about the dates/delivery formats available for upcoming courses.

Alternatively, email or visit the BACPR education home page by clicking HERE.


Physical Activity and Exercise in the Management of Cardiovascular Disease Parts I & II

Part I - Principles and Practicalities:  This two-day course provides a foundation programme in the principles of physical activity and exercise in the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease. 

Cost £320-350*

Part II - Advanced Applications:  This two-day course extends the core knowledge, understanding and skills gained in Part I to clinical reasoning for the inclusion of the higher risk and complex cardiac patient, such as heart failure, arrhythmias, NOCAD, SCAD, PAD, ICD's, unstable blood pressure and diabetes.

Cost £320-350*

(*package price available if booking parts I & II together*)

Implementing Low-volume HIIT Training into Clinical Practice *NEW FOR 2024*

This one-day course is aimed at all health and exercise professionals who are working with clinical populations and interested in implementing low-volume, high intensity interval training (HIIT) into their practice. This in person, practical workshop aims to increase the knowledge and skills of practitioners around the implementation of the 10 x 1 min low-volume HIIT model, determining an initial workload, progression challenges, utility of different training modalities, and dispelling any concerns regarding safety.

Cost £205 (£185 for BACPR members)


Physical Activity and Exercise in Heart Failure

This one-day course course aims to increase the awareness of the impact of physical activity and exercise in heart failure, focusing on diagnosis and management, exercise physiology, assessment and exercise prescription, and devices.  

Cost £205 (£185 for BACPR/ACPICR members)

Physical Activity and Exercise in Type 2 Diabetes

This one-day course aims to empower health care and exercise professionals to confidently enable people with type 2 diabetes to exercise safely and effectively. The course includes background knowledge of type 2 diabetes management, understanding of exercise physiology relating to diabetes and increasing awareness of managing acute episodes and complications affecting exercise prescription.

Cost £205 (£185 for BACPR/ACPICR members)

Assessing Functional Capacity 

This one-day course focuses on effective monitoring of exercise intensity and aims to increase knowledge and skills in implementing a number of functional capacity tests used within the cardio-respiratory field, plus explores how to practically apply the results to exercise prescription.

Cost £205 (£185 for BACPR members)

Resistance Training in Cardiovascular Rehabilitation: A Practical Approach

This course aims to increase awareness, understanding and confidence in prescribing resistance training (RT) to patients with cardiovascular disease. This one-day face to face course (with online pre-course learning) is aimed at all health and exercise professionals involved in the delivery of exercise to cardiovascular populations wishing to implement effective RT into their programmes. 

Cost £205 (£185 for BACPR/ACPICR members)

Practical Skills in Health Behaviour Change

This course is centred around the practical element of health behaviour change (HBC) and is delivered in a safe, positive non-judgemental way. The course aims to take the mystery out of HBC, sharing ideas and practice to overcome common barriers in implementing HBC skills.

Cost £205 (£185 for BACPR members)

Working with Psychosocial Factors in Cardiovascular Rehabilitation *NEW FOR 2024*

This course is designed for all health professionals working within cardiovascular rehabilitation. Over two mornings, this online course will focus on recognition, assessment and management of emotional distress, such as anxiety and depression. The course will provide practitioners with strategies to use in a rehabilitation setting, to support patients in managing their psychosocial health.

Cost £205 (£185 for BACPR members)

Cardiovascular Nutrition

This one-day course aims to increase knowledge and understanding of the core principles of the cardio-protective diet, as well as providing the most current information on additional nutritional approaches that may be appropriate for primary and secondary prevention of CVD. 

Cost £205 (£185 for BACPR members)


The BACPR also offers stand-alone online modules which are ideal for health professionals who are looking for an overview of the key principles of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation.  These align with the 2023 BACPR Standards and Core Components for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Rehabilitation.

The modules cost £25 each, however BACPR members can access them for free, at any time.  Click here for more information.